News Stories

Periodically, the news media pick up stories on ABS and feature them. It’s a great way to share information so let us know if you see a news story on ABS that we should include on this page!

We also feature short articles from our experts: medical providers, lawyers, caregivers, and patients. If you have an article or a video to share, please send it to


Doctors found he had ABS

  • We're always pleased when Auto-Brewery Syndrome is in the news because Barbara Cordell, President, and Michelle Giannotto, Vice-President/Patient Advocate usually get calls from various news outlets to provide interviews and connect them with patients willing to tell their stories. 

    A couple of weeks ago a Belgian man who happened to work in a brewery, was arrested for his third DUI but claimed not to have been drinking. His attorney argued the case in court and doctors confirmed that he indeed had ABS. The court acquitted the man and he is now following a low-carb diet and receiving medications. 

  • The calls and emails started coming to our organization for more information about this terrible disease and we took every opportunity to try and educate people. The most comprehensive article so far is one by Claudia Tanner with iNews in the United Kingdom. Ms. Tanner did her homework and covered all the bases. 

    The article, titled, "I Get Drunk Eating Carbs - It's Not as Fun As It Sounds," starts with Nick Carson's journey with ABS. His episodes started when he was in his 40s but it took him 15 years to finally get a diagnosis. He and his wife Karen first heard about ABS on an episode of Doc Martin! He got a breathalyzer and had levels three times over the legal limit. Nick connected these episodes to eating carbohydrates.

    We are pleased that Nick and Karen Carson are public with their ABS story in UK. Dr. Cordell was also part of this interview. Click HERE for the full article

  • Newsweek featured an article titled “What is Auto-Brewery Syndrome? Man Whose Body Makes Alcohol Beats DUI Rap” with Michelle Giannotto and Dr. Wick. Michelle recounts part of her journey with her husband Donato when he developed ABS and landed in ICU. After 14 hospitalizations, he was finally diagnosed and they found Dr. Wick. Michelle says, “It’s not rare, it’s rarely diagnosed.”